Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Gift of Life is the Present Moment

Life is the gift of time borrowed in flesh, and all we can physically live in is the present. The continuity of “time” is our eminent path to our demise, therefore the present is truly a gift. Being in the present (your physical existence) is the opportunity to seize the moment and live. In the present moment you have two choices; the choice to accept, or reject your surroundings, circumstances, and way of being. Often times, as human beings we operate out of past experiences for survival instead of operating out of the present that is always leading into the future.

Accepting the present moment as the gift of life is being open, courageous, and willing to give up the ego’s hold on circumstances we have little or no control over. This acceptance, is true freedom, and ultimately recognition that you as a human being are perfectly where you get to be. Life is full of lessons for each one of us, no one is without their ups and downs, Perhaps if we all saw that in each other the world would be a happier place.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Viva la Moment

This is the moment you have waited for.

This is the moment you have a choice.

This is the moment you get to live your life.

This is the moment you get to love yourself and the world around you.

This is the moment you get to cherish.

This is the moment you are alive.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Gratitude to the Ancestors

Human capability is expanding with every moment… We are beings of powerful proportions, far surpassing our ancestors with each passing generation.  Thank you to those whom have passed before me, in every form of human life that ever was, thank you to the animals that gave their lives for our sustenance, and thank you elders for creating the space in which we are living… Thank you for your actions, positive, negative, large, and small, for the impact of those actions lives on today, teaching, and molding the foundation for the lives of the living, and their imminent lessons that were meant to be learned.

I acknowledge your experience, and love you completely, for all is in divine order.

On the eve of the Libra full moon, I choose to sew seeds of powerful transformation, light, love, and abundance. Beginning with gratitude and practice, for I am gratitude to the core of my being, and practice I will. Thank you dear ancestors for giving me the wisdom “An ounce of practice, is worth tons of preaching.”


Saturday, August 3, 2013

Thank You


I am grateful for;
My family
My friends
My job
My home
The opportunity to guide others
Mother Earth
Father Sky
My lessons
Spirit guides
All of those whom have passed before, laying the foundation for who I could become
Ever flowing oneness that unites all beings on or off this plane of existence

Faithfully Living Life to the Fullest,
Rebecca Lindsey McLean

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Declaration of Authenticity

Sisters and Brothers,

I felt the need today to declare my authenticity. After being in the Landmark Forum, I have learned the power of language and the affect it has on my life. I choose to take a stand for myself and those in my life, no matter how large or small the connection, I choose to be authentic.

I love you all and am grateful you are in my life! Even if you are someone I don't physically know, and you're just a visitor to my blog that I may never physically meet, I love you!

We all deserve love as human beings, because living life is a challenge, it is a challenge to be your best you. It is a challenge to foray everyday into the unknown, no one knows exactly what will happen throughout the day. For that my fellow humans, you deserve love. Love deserves authenticity, and with that love I give you, I also give you the gift of authenticity. Below is my declaration of authenticity, I declare authenticity for all of us on earth!

Love Always,



"Definition of AUTHENTIC

obsolete : authoritative
a : worthy of acceptance or belief as conforming to or based on fact <paints an authentic picture of our society>
b : conforming to an original so as to reproduce essential features <an authentic reproduction of a colonial farmhouse>
c : made or done the same way as an original <authentic Mexican fare>

: not false or imitation : real, actual <an authentic cockney accent>
a of a church mode : ranging upward from the keynote — compare plagal 1
b of a cadence : progressing from the dominant chord to the tonic — compare plagal 2
: true to one's own personality, spirit, or character"
I strive to be the Definition of Authentic.To know my true self as a transparent sentient being. I am creating the possibility for myself and for my life, that I am  an Authentic, Loving, Supportive, Prosperous, Productive Human Being.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

I am a tree.

I see my soul as a tree… firmly rooted in the likeness of our creator… Ever growing and evolving, cleansing the air around it, giving food to sustain life… One knowing their soul is like a tree knowing where it stands, and having the courage to branch out and put forth roots… Constantly strengthening it’s roots in mother earth and growing taller towards the sun and energy of father sky.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Legacy of Love

Sisters and Brothers,

I write this today 6/26/13, a day of monumental change for LBGTQ rights. Same sex marriage is now legal in the state of California. As a resident of California, and a child of two same sex couples, I broke down in tears for the leap forward our community has taken today...

I would like to dedicate this blog in thanks for those of the LBGTQ community whom have passed before us. For those of us whom did not physically have a chance to see this day, I thank you for the work you have done in our society to pave way for equal rights. May your souls rest in peace as we shall carry on a Legacy of Love.

Love, Light, and Blessings!
Same Love by Macklemore